Self-Paced Online Cohort

Do you have a vision for changemaking in your work but don’t know where to start?

Does your organization need to refocus its strategy or address dysfunctional interpersonal dynamics?

Are you confused about the pros and cons of for-profits, nonprofits and cooperatives?

Do you wish there was a resource on how to run an organization that actually shared your values of justice and resilience?

You have a vision for change, and our world is aching for it to come to life. But the journey between vision and reality can feel so intimidating. Here at Regenerate Change, we’ve seen too many members of our beloved community wrestle with impostor syndrome, burnout, finding the money to keep their dream alive, difficult team dynamics, practicing authentic solidarity, and many other challenges.

But we’ve also seen changemakers overcome these challenges and run thriving organizations through step-by-step design frameworks, a community of accountability, and inspiration from the more-than-human world. That’s why we know your vision is possible – and we’re here to offer the support you need!

Join Regenerate Change co-director and Change Here Now author Adam Brock  in this interactive, self-paced online course as you apply a regenerative, equity-oriented design process to creating or evolving the business, nonprofit, or grassroots organization of your dreams. Whether your organization is just an idea or an existing institution ready to take it to the next level, you’ll graduate Regenerative Org Design with clear and practical design tools, a supportive community, and a whole-systems paradigm to nurture an organization that can evolve, grow and thrive like the living system that it is.



  • How to set clear intentions to keep your vision focused, impactful and actionable

  • How to map your “social ecosystem” to gain a clear understanding of the greater context

  • How to identify your niche: the offering that only you can provide to your community

  • How to design for abundance, not just financially but socially and ecologically as well

  • How to choose the right legal structure and decision-making process

  • How to see organizational stewardship as a sacred act – one that heals past and present trauma and is a gift to future generationS


Over 50 detailed video lessons that guide you step-by-step through the philosophy and hands-on practice of regenerative organizational design

Thought-provoking activities and worksheets to fill out between lessons

A students-only space on our Regenerative Changemakers Network to connect with your fellow participants

A network of mutual support designed to weave community long after the course concludes


Regenerative Org Design is hosted by Adam Brock (he/him), a changemaker with over a decade of experience leading and consulting for regenerative organizations.

As co-founder of The GrowHaus, Adam worked in solidarity with community members to create a thriving hub for food production, food distribution and food education. As author of Change Here Now, Adam distilled his understanding of regenerative social change into a book of 82 user-friendly patterns drawn from natural systems. And as a regenerative organizational consultant since 2015, he has supported dozens of startups, established businesses, national nonprofits, and government agencies in incorporating whole-systems thinking into their operations.

Regenerative Org Design is hosted by Adam Brock (he/him), a changemaker with over a decade of experience leading and consulting for regenerative organizations.

As co-founder of The GrowHaus, Adam worked in solidarity with community members to create a thriving hub for food production, food distribution and food education. As author of Change Here Now, Adam distilled his understanding of regenerative social change into a book of 82 user-friendly patterns drawn from natural systems. And as a regenerative organizational consultant since 2015, he has supported dozens of startups, established businesses, national nonprofits, and government agencies in incorporating whole-systems thinking into their operations.


All our educational offerings at Regenerate Change are run on a sliding-scale model, with three tiers to allow for participation from changemakers of a wide variety of backgrounds. Before you sign up, please review the options below and pick the tier that feels most appropriate for your circumstances.



A limited number of scholarship seats are reserved at this rate solely for participants who identify as low-income BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). Register here by self-selection – no application necessary.



Register at this rate if you’re an individual or representing a new organization, and do not land in either the Scholarship or Sponsor descriptions. This rate reflects the true cost for Regenerate Change to deliver this course.



For established institutions (more than five years old), participants who have access to intergenerational wealth or self-generated surplus income, please consider paying the Supporter rate. This rate directly supports scholarships and other forms of financial accessibility at Regenerate Change.

Need more info? Got a request? Send us a message!

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